Small Group Bible Studies
Small Groups are a key component to loving and living like Jesus. Jesus formed a small group of 12 men. He loved them and taught them to love and care for one another. He taught them and he gave them opportunities to teach one another. He sent them out in small groups to heal the sick, to teach, and to do his work. Jesus’ plan for reaching the world with the Gospel started by forming a small group!
At RSC, we believe in, and have seen, the powerful impact of small groups! We offer regular small groups through the school year and special fellowship meetings during the summer. We currently offer the following opportunities:
the Middle

the middle is studying We continue to discuss the Holy Spirit and the power of prayer. Meets Sundays @ 5:30pm-7pm @ Christina’s Dance Center (Right next door to Rock Springs Chruch).
Empty Nesters
Currently on Break. Starting up in January. See George Dillard, our door greeter, for more information on meeting dates and times.