If you are tired of trying to measure up to a man-made view of God, then maybe you should give Four-titude a try. It may be just what you are looking for! If you are searching for God’s original design for your life, it is found in accepting the four invitations of Christ: Love God, love yourself, love others, and love creation. (Matthew 22:34-40, Genesis 2:15)

It Is important that we love our Creator! The ways in which we can show our love for God are many. A good starting point is just talking to Him. He created us for relationship, especially with Him. Worshipping God through music, gathering with others to encourage one another, etc., are also great ways to show love for our Heavenly Father. One of the most important ways in which we can demonstrate love for our Father is by reading His word! |
Jesus asked us to love ourselves. We are created in the image of our Heavenly Father. He knit us together in our mothers’ wombs, and we were born on Earth to do good works that were planned in advance for us to do. Showing ourselves love is important, as it allows us to rest, recharge, and find enjoyment in life. It also allows us to not grow weary in doing good. So read a book, take a nap, go kayaking, take a hike…whatever helps you relax and recharge, do it! |
In addition to loving ourselves, Jesus commands us to love others. We all know the command; the trick is to find tangible and meaningful ways to show the love of God to others. Mow a lawn for someone, watch a single mom’s kids for an afternoon so she can rest and recharge, compliment someone, go door-to-door sharing the Good News, make a meal for someone; the possibilities are endless. |
God has created so many wondrous things. He has given us dominion over the Earth, and it is our responsibility to love His creation. Caring for animals, recycling, picking up trash, any bit of caring for our planet shows love for God’s creation. Enjoying nature through outdoor activities, organizing outdoor events, etc., can also show love of creation…the sky’s the limit! |